

最近两个礼拜都没UPDATE我的BLOG了,今天就写一些吧!!要不然就会生锈了,HA HA!!!这几个礼拜都在忙考试,每天读三个小时的书,不疯也剩半条命。。。。。。。。

虽然好像读很多,可是考到现在什么都好像够吃而已,PA 试卷一应该算OK吧 , PA 2 格式没错,只是POINTS有没有中就不知道了!!! Chemistry 试卷1 错八题 , 原以为只会错4 题 ,后来错多一倍, 算了,试卷二,ESSAY 漏掉一些POINTS , 不知道会怎样 ? 物理试卷1 只是错5题 , 有开心到,因为物理是我的死穴 , 可是试卷2 , 才要我的命 , EQUATION写对了 , 可是时间太短 , 害我计算机乱乱按, 有几题就那么GG了。。。。。。

最不爽的是我去厕所太快也给人家怀疑!!!说我去作弊,也不看看我去的时间,我去都不到一分钟,看+背答案都超过一分钟 了!!!!!你不会做我不怪你 ,就是不要讲到我 ,如果还有下次,就让你知道死字怎么写!!!!


算了,为这种人动气不值得 , 还是留点力气来读我的数学 , 这科不可以GG , 这是我第二喜欢的科目 , 也希望这科考好一点 ,可以拉高整体的CGPA , 我要的不多,就3.5以上 , 要不让然很对不起自己 ,加油 !!!!

下个礼拜二要去唱K , 拜三要去看电影 ,拜四去打球 ,拜五,拜六和家人出去玩 ,好期待下个礼拜的到来 , 我已经两个月没有出去了!!!!




我想这句话最能描述我这个礼拜的心情写照吧 !不想再去提起了,忘记或者是最佳的解决方法。。。。。。。想太多真的是我的致命伤吧?

算了,说些开心的,昨天再次和HENRY确定补习是否取消,他说没有,顿时吓到,因为上个礼拜他说取消,可是后来又没有。够乱的咯他,所以过后马上去通知别人。我通知人的方式很FORMAL么?为什么有人那么说呢? 还好,通知全部人了,没有人怪我告诉他们错的消息。。

今天,YIK QI 要做SURVEY ,婚前性行为,你赞不赞同 ,有点难回答,后来还是回答赞同!做这样的题目就有点怪怪的感觉。还好,今天班上的气氛又回到以前那样了,就废废的 , MUET的时候,SPEAKING , 够难的咯,我的POINT ,还好够讲两分钟,希望拜二的题目不要那么那难,保佑,保佑 !!!

第二次了,上PA补习,上到睡掉,还好如意叫醒我,所以说吗,中六的时间真的不够用,昨天,连续读两个INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 的 CHAPTER ,读了还要自己做SHORT NOTES , 读到2点才睡,今天AMRAN上课又没有抄NOTES,就不小心睡掉 。 后来,才发现,也是有很多人倒下去,EC 的有几个人 , HA HA ,好笑咯 ,那样子你都能睡 , SSI 的更GENG , 超多倒下去,难怪今天上课有那么一点点安静 , 我的感觉是否坏掉了 , 因为人家讲都没有什么安静到 , HA HA 。。。。

考试越来越近,有点期待,是不是XIAO了我,可是又有点害怕,复习的引擎已启动 , 可是功课还是很多,所以有时要会安排时间,在功课与复习之间做出调整 ,要不然肯定会忽略其中一项 。。。。。。。物理,还是对你没有兴趣,可是这个礼拜对你慢慢有点好感,希望不要败在你手上。。。。。。。。。

最后,希望大家都加油,还没开始复习的,快点复习,开始的,继续努力,大家一起加油吧!!!STPM , 我一定能打败你的!!!!




Tomorrow got a lot of things to do , so , today faster update my blog !!!! This is a busier week than before , the exam is coming nearer and nearer , but i only prepare chemistry ..... PA n math , only prepare little ....... Physic , sure gg one as i dont have much interest on this subject , did none revision on it .

This week , argue n quarrel with my parents for few times as they are not supporting me to choose wat i wan n let me chase my own dream . The reason they give me is that this society is very realistic , the most important thing is that you can find a job n you can feed yourself . The interest is at the second place ......... Damn sad when i heard this , quickly go up stair n hide myself inside my room ! My mum also realises that she said the wrong words n send a glass of milk to my room to signify her apologize !!!!

My ambition is to be a chemist or doing something about chemistry , but my parent said that it's better for me to enter KPLSPM to become a teacher if i wan to be a chemist .I know many people are facing the same problem like me , doing something that your parents ask u to do which they think is the best for u , but i dont wan this kind of lifestyle , everything is arranged nicely by your parents . Although they think that it is for your own good , i wan to chase my dream , flying in the sky i dreamed for !!!!


Last time will select to study STPM is also forced by my parents , they wan me to think carefully wat i really wan rather than just simply send me to any college to study the courses which i not really interested to !!! Now , i come out a conclusion but they are opposing toward it . Last time , you are the one who ask me to think carefully but now i tell u my decision ,you are not agreed with me , then wat for u ask me to think ?

STPM is really very hard to study . The difficulty is that u dont have enough time to do either homework or revision . Everyday , reach home after 330 , tuesday , wednesday n friday got tuition , reach home already 730 . After taking the bath n having the dinner , 900 only can start to do the homework . Revision ? Everyday only can study a few pages . Thursday , when reach home , very sleepy as exhausted after 2 continuous days of tuition !!! Monday n weekend are the only time i can relax but sometime saturday got school replacement , going tuition straight away , reach home same time with Tuesday !!!! Monday n Sunday , i only can start to do my revision after finished my assignment or presentation !!!! How busy is my form 6 life ?

But , recently , my STPM life become more n more harder since i cannot manage my relationship with others NICELY ......... Everyday argue with people , n making myself to have fewer n fewer friends , without friends , how can i manage to finish my STPM journey by myself ? I also know this point but my brain now cannot control my action and feeling edi , sometimes , maybe , my friends are talking slightly louder , then i can scold them without any reason ........ So , i say the god is very fair one , he will not give u all the good things , you surely will not get some of them !!!!

At here , really wan to apologize to my friends who are being scolded by me without any reason n say thank you to whom willing to borrow his/her ears to me n can tolerate me for a long time .........

I promise , i will change myself , but it takes times , so I hope u guyz can help me to pass through this period , n dont leave me to continue my journey alone